- OS242 Main Page - This link contains the OS learning materials.
- Git Mantras - This link is used as a reference for the github mantras (push, pull, commit, add).
- Linux Crash Course - Youtube video for Linux tutorial.
- REGEX Tutorial - REGEX Youtube tutorial.
- Cybersecurity Course - Cybersecurity full course for beginners.
- More REGEX Tutorial - Cheatsheet for REGEX.
- OVA Backup Tutorial - Tutorial to backup OVAs.
- Another OVA Backup Tutorial - Another tutorial to backup OVAs.
- Operating Systems Programming Slides - Slides with Latex source code.
- C Documentation - Documentation for C programming.
- Vim Editor Shorcuts - Vim Editor Cheat Sheet.
- Memory Management in OS - An overview of memory management in operating systems.
- MALLOC vs MMAP - Comparisan between the malloc() and mmap() function.
- Docusaurus Documentation - Documentation for the Docusaurus Web
- Process Synchronization - An introduction to Process Synchronization
- LFS 12.2 - Step by step setup for Linux from Scratch 12.2
- Kernotex Youtube Channel - Youtube Channel by Kernotex that helps in doing the LFS 12.2